What Wonders Lie Ahead

I made it. I finished my (modified) New Year’s Resolution for 2023. I made one painting per month.

Yes yes. I understand that some people make a painting per day for a whole year. But in 2022 I made zero paintings, so I am starting from where I am starting from. Also, fuck off.

And you needn’t remind me either that those people who make one painting per day for a whole year probably make better paintings in a day than I make in a month. I am starting from where I am. See above.

Next year will be the same resolution (well, plus the resolutions about losing weight, reading more and not spending so much time on Amazon, but they’re always on the rotation). One painting per month. Not going to have time for more. First part of January will be moving and much of the year will be settling estate matters and fixing up parents’ and grandparents’ house. Maybe buying my own house. Blah blah blah.

Anyway it’s a New Year’s Painting. Don’t know what it’s about or who the figures are. Nobody tells me anything. Learned a little bit more. Every month just have to learn a little bit more. So 2024 will be another practicing year and a transition year. Then maybe I can get down to making real pictures in 2025.

Oh yeah. I realize I have a lot of crap to do here. Let someone beside me, some day, actually visit this blog. I need to re-export most of the images fix tone mostly, also color. I need to fix my template and gallery and pretty much everything else. But not a big hurry. Because it’s, you know, just me here.

But I’ve never actually completed a New Year’s Resolution so there’s something. There’s a first time for everything. Success is just getting up one more time than you fall down.


